Let’s be honest – everyday is National Dog Day when you have a fur baby. I usually just share my outfits on here, but thought I would share the story of my McKinley and a few reasons why you should get a furry friend, too.
Flashback to 12 years ago when I was staying at a family friend’s farm who had a Great Dane randomly dropped off at their door step. It was love at first bark. He was as tall as me and the sweetest dog I had ever met. I told my parents that I was going to get a dog just like him. They obviously told me I was crazy to get a dog as big as I was.
Now flashback to 8 years ago when I met Tristan and told him the same thing: “I’m going to get a Great Dane” He told me I was crazy too, but little did I know he started a little Great Dane fund to help me save up for one of my own.
5 years later when I was ready to move out on my own, I knew that I needed a companion and began taking quizzes online to see what type of dog would be a good fit for my lifestyle. And what do you know: I got a Great Dane every time! (I guess it’s possible I could have finagled my answers, but I call it fate!)
When I found McKinley I knew that he was the perfect pup for me. When Tristan and I went to pick him up it was one of the most exciting days. At 9 weeks old he was already 18lbs! I had a long list of puppy names but McKinley seemed to be the crowd favorite. We took him to puppy class twice a week and worked with him A LOT to become the good boy that he is today. He is now 3.5 years old and 6 feet tall when he stands up! He sleeps a ton and is currently hanging out with me while I write this blog post.
So, if you’re thinking about getting a McKinley of your own, here are a few reasons to go for it:
You’ll learn to care for someone
Getting McKinley has taught me so much about caring for and considering something other than myself. Having a dog means having to think about something else when you leave the house. Your pup will be 100% dependent on you. This may seem scary but taking care of someone other than yourself is so rewarding!
You’ll learn patience
Oh man do I mean this! Puppy training means repeating the same thing over and over for months and can take a lot of patience.
You’ll always have a buddy
Always! McKinley is like my shadow everywhere I go at home! It can get a little annoying at times because he is such a giant but I love always having someone around. Let’s be honest, dogs are the best secret keepers! McKinley is the best part of getting home because he is always happy to see me.
You’ll learn how to budget
McKinley has taught me a lot about budgeting. Don’t worry, your dog most likely won’t eat 10 cups of food a day like mine does, but he will still need regular vet check-ups and you never know if any issues may come up on the spot.
You’ll make friends
I am not joking when I say that everyone and their mom stops us on a walk just to see McKinley. We have met so many people over the past few years and even have volunteered for a Great Dane rescue because of McKinley.
You’ll have a reason to get outside
Rain or shine, you pup is going to have to go out. This was the one thing I didn’t think that I would look forward to as a dog owner, but I love having a reason to get up from what I am doing and go walk around. Yep… even in the snow. It’s nice to have a break from my laptop or phone to go outside for a few minutes.
Do you have a dog or thinking about getting one? I’d love to hear from you! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for pics of me and my pup!