My dogs love the outdoors just as much as I do! Like most people, my dogs share my same love for camping, hiking, and swimming in the lake! Below is a quick list of essentials I don’t leave home without for a weekend outside with my two dogs Sammy and Gibson

Dog Backpack
Sammy and Gibson have a designated bag full of their travel essentials so that they’re ready to go any time. Having a designated dog backpack has helped us stay organized and keeps us from forgetting anything important!
Tick Spray

The first thing I always pack for the dogs is tick spray. Ticks can be so hard to find in all of their fur and we don’t want to take any chances. In addition to spraying Sammy and Gibson, they also take a monthly chewable and have the vaccine, too.
Doggie Water Bottle

Keeping your dogs hydrated in the summer is so important. While I do enjoy the classic collapsible dog bowl for hiking, this doggie water bottle has been a game changer for us! I love that it has a bowl at the top and takes back in water that they don’t drink so that we don’t waste any on our hikes.
Poop Bag Holder with Hand Sanitizer

This hand sanitizer and poop bag holder is always in our backpack! It’s a great way to sanitize quickly after picking up after the dogs. This light up hand sanitizer holder with a dog and tennis ball is adorable, too! These are essential for hiking with dogs
Dog Treats
Sammy and Gibson are good boys and love to get rewarded along the way! Having a treat for them is essential for hiking or just being out and about with them. I always keep training treats with me for rewarding or any training opportunities that may come up along the way. Treats are also great distractions should I need to keep my dogs eyes and attention on me at any point in our travels.
Dog Toys
If there is water, then my Newfoundland is going to be swimming! Sammy loves the water so much. One of his favorite lake activities is playing fetch. We play with this floating toy for him to fetch.
Life Vest

If Sammy is lucky, there will be water to dunk in after at the end of our hike! Although Newfoundlands are bred for water rescue, it is always a good safety measure to have a life vest for your dog. The life vest gives me peace of mind, and let’s Sammy swim a little bit longer!
What do you consider your essentials for hiking with dogs? Reach out to us on Instagram or TikTok and let us know! If you love bringing your dog on adventures and hiking with dogs as much as me, check out this amazing glamping weekend we took our dogs on!